Past Updates...
4/5/2021 It's been a hot minute since I've last updated! I'm still writing in my diary, albeit a bit less often these days. I just added a new section to my site's archive, to commemorate all of the work I put into my site during 2020. Here's to another exciting year!
3/12/2021 - My little cloud has officially joined The Yesterweb Ring~! My
badge of honor is now at the bottom of this page--check it out and click the "next" link to go visit the other members! Site-wise, I'm still working on
some stuff behind the scenes. For now, have a new diary entry.
3/9/2021 - My page for the mobile game Dream Girlfriend is finally live! I've also updated the links in the Doll Atelier--all of the buttons should be fully functional now, and I've also added some links to new friends and their doll pages~ :) Been keeping up with updating the diary and the notepad...though updates may slow down a bit: now that I'm a functioning adult with a job again, I've had a lot less free time to code.
2/22/2021 - The shrines page has finally been redone to match my new layout! (Like...what, after a whole year has passed? Geez...) And my new shrine page is offically public--check out my page dedicated to dress-up games! Some links still lead to nowhere...I need more time to work on the Dream Girlfriend section...but for
now, you can enjoy my outifts from the game Everskies~
2/6/2021 - Happy February~! New month means new updates. A new page has been added to the diary, along with updating the diary archive page. Some
tiny additions to the notepad. I've been working on some new pages that aren't quite ready
for debut yet, but I'm really hoping to have them up this month! I need to update the shrines page soon, lol...
1/19/2021 - And now for something totally different! I've added a new photo to my about page. :') Also I've
finally updated the notepad for the first time in awhile. Been chugging along at fairly regular updates
on my diary--a new entry will be up really soon!
1/4/2021 - Happy 2021~!
I hope all of my Neocities friends have
entered the new year happy & healthy!! I can't believe I've managed to neglect this log for so long...I wasn't super active here in the final months of 2020,
besides occasional updates in my diary and notepad. But I'm working on some new content for the new year! The latest thing is a diary archive page that allows for toggling between old entries.
7/17/2020 - I've completely forgotten to update this log! Whoops! Here's a very belated happy July~ I've added a new section to the links page, and created a new section for this month in my diary.
6/21/2020 - Thank you for over 200 followers~!
I have a fairly big update for today~! I completed a new survey for the survey vault (along with tweaking a broken link or two--sorry if I caused any confusion with my broken code!), and added some more content to the links page. Been keeping up with fairly regular updates in my diary and the notepad, as usual.
6/11/2020 - I've added to the links page! More buttons, a few more links, and a whole new section - slowly, I'm filling it out. I've also been keeping up with regular updates in my diary and the notepad.
6/3/2020 - My diary now has a section for June entries. Tweaked the
navigation a little bit too so it'll be more intuitive to toggle through the months.
6/2/2020 - My new little project is now live! Go check out the notepad: it's
my new replacement for Twitter, as I try to wean my addiction from that horrible app, lol. My junk drawer page also got a facelift. It's finally matches my new layout!
5/19/2020 - I've been trying out something new in my diary. I'm now including photos with each entry. Nothing terribly exciting, but it's still a tiny snapshot into my daily life. Maybe someone will find it interesting...?
5/11/2020 - Some new pages have been put up! The series synopsis and the beginnings of my personal ancedotes page have been shared on my American Mcgee's Alice shrine. Also, I've finally revamped my links out page, which it sorely needed from day one...It's still a work-in-progress, but be sure to check out my updated button wall~! ;)
5/5/2020 - I've decided to officially make the change-over to the new layout of my American Mcgee's Alice shrine. It's looking bare right now, I know - the change is premature because I was getting impatient, lol. But I'm working hard on re-writing
all of the content! In the meantime, you can enjoy my cool 404 page. (I'm really proud of the animation...)
5/2/2020 - My diary now has a new section for May entries. Entries are now organized by month! As time goes on, you'll be able to toggle through past months.
4/28/2020 - My site officially has a new button! So exciting! You can view it just above this update log~ Thank you to everyone who has shared my old
button in the past! It would mean a lot to me if you updated to this new one James @ JamessBlastPastPlaza made for me! ^^
4/23/2020 - I've shared a new survey on the Survey Vault - for the first time in two years,
apparently! Quarantine boredom makes you do some silly things, lol. Been keeping up with the diary updates as well.
4/14/2020 - I've shared a little preview of the new look for my American Mcgee's Alice shrine - give it a peek! Also did a little housekeeping and updated my site archive page. Been keeping up with fairly regular updates in my diary - it's been a busy month~!
4/5/2020 - Hi everyone~! Okay, so my site revamp still isn't quite done yet...but I've completely redid my diary page - I'm really happy with this new design! I hope I can log down my thoughts more often. You can expect to see me around a little more now~! ^^
3/2/2020 - A shiny new homepage! Whoa! After being away from Neocities for so long, it feels great to code something again. This is just
a little preview of a site-wide revamp I've been working on...I've only updated my homepage and my about page for now, as a test. (Is it possible to have a navigation bar using two iframes...?) Please let me
know if something is wonky/not working on my Neocities profile!