My virtual home-away-from-home here on Neocities is about 4 years old now
I made this website back in the fall of 2017.
When I started it, it was a real mess - a fun mess, though! I was literally just
throwing stuff at the screen and seeing what would work. I had no idea how HTML worked, besides maybe writing one line of code for my Neopets profile when I was 9.
I had to learn everything from the ground up. It's embarrassing to admit, but it took me a WHOLE WEEK to figure out how to make a picture appear
on the screen!
As I continue to grow my little space here, I've come to learn how precious having your own webpage can be. A little project that started as a half-joke, something
that I wasn't sure if I could even pull off, ended up becoming a sanctuary away from the growing corporate web. The community here was so much more kind
and welcoming than I could ever have imagined--I've found endless inspiration here, and found like-minded folks that I would have never met otherwise. The support I received from my new friends kept me to push learning about web design...I still have a lot to learn, but I'm
grateful for the help I've been offered to make this site what it is today!
Growing up, I would spend hours looking at homemade websites about everything and anything: a digital graveyard for passed-on tamagotchis, a super sparkly gif-ridden trove
on the history of unicorns, and a carefully-kept diary somebody's elaborate dragon roleplay adventures are just a few that stick out in my memory. (If you want to read about
my memories of growing up online in-depth, check out my memoirs!) To truly "surf the
web" was a purposeful action: in the earliest days of the internet, you had turn on your clunky computer, sign in with dial-up...and god
forbid if someone had to use the phone while you were online! Even as technology improved in the early 2000s, the internet felt like its own little world: a place
where people could share a little piece of their souls, spill their passions, to anyone and no one at all.
So my little website is something like a love letter to the internet of days past - a little rough around the edges but (hopefully) full of genuine passion. This
is where I feel most like my honest self on the web! My main goal here is to simply create a space that I would have appreciated when I was a little kid
on the internet - some place peaceful, but also a free space to let my freak flag fly. I hope it offers you a brief reprieve from the fast-paced, performative culture of social media
these days.