Welcome to the Neocity ! This thriving metropolis is home to my many Neofriends I've made on Neocities. During my time here, the number of people following me just keeps getting bigger and bigger-- which is incredible, but it was becoming overwhelming to tend to a giant button wall...and the sea of buttons started feeling a bit impersonal. So I came up with this page as a way to spotlight all of the talented and unique people I've met on my travels here in cyberspace. I hope you feel compelled to explore all of these diverse neighborhoods, and maybe even meet some new friends!

The Commons. . .

These sites paint a picture of our community! If you're looking to connect with your fellow neocitizens, then you should check these places out!

Y2K Vista. . .

Miss the good old days of the early 2000s?
It was an exciting time when the internet was
taking off and the birth of social media was created.
Myspace happened,